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Friday, February 12, 2010

Action Item: American Apparel Hits Rock “Bottom”

Hardy Girls is leading the protest against American Apparel's new search for "the perfect bottom," an ad campaign which encourages girls to post online pics of their derrieres in American Apparel intimates.  Sign this petition and spread the word!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Some more mixed messages for the feminist file...

Just got a kick out of this juxtaposition of articles on a women's site someone sent me.  No wonder we're all so confused!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Eve Ensler's new book for girls

Eve Ensler’s Mission: Awaken the Girl Self

By Marianne Schnall

Eleven years after the launch of V-Day, Eve Ensler sets out to do for girls what she did for women—uncover the truth of their experiences and create a global dialogue. Her new book is being published February 9...

Read more.

Monday, February 8, 2010

New Moon "You Are Beautiful" ecard

From the wonderful girls' media company, New Moon: "This is just for fun and just in time for Valentines Day. Let people know they are beautiful just being themselves."

Create your own "You are Beautiful" ecard and make someone's day!